Toate papusile pe care le vedeti au primit corpuri articulate si un nou look(mai putin Kocoun). Pe majoritatea le cunoasteti deja:
Inara-Kayla -Barbie Ballerina Fairytail Magic cu corp Fashionista ,bluza la fel , BB jeans, jerseu si bocanci Barbie
Kocoun in camasa vinatge pantalni si tenisi Ken
Ayana- Stardoll Pretty n' Love cu rochie Liv , blanita Fashion Fever si cizme DG
Kayla- printesa cu corp Fashionista, haine Fashion Fever
Gothica- Stardoll Falen Angel cu corp Liv si haine Stardoll Pretty n' Love
Lenara- Fairyutopia Kayla Lenara, cu corp Fashionsita intr-o combinatie de haine Liv si Barbie
Inara-Kayla -Barbie Ballerina Fairytail Magic with Fashionista body, T shirt, BB jeans, Barbie jersey and bootsKocoun in vintage shirt and Ken's pens and shoesAyana- Stadoll Pretty n' Love with Liv dress, fashion fever fur and DG bootsKayla- princess with Fashionista body, Fashion Fever outfitGothica- Stardoll Falen Angel with Liv body, Stardoll Pretty n' Love outfitLenara- Fairyutopia Kayla Lenara, with Fashionsita body , combinated Liv and Barbie clothes