Barbie Expression of India - Rajastan
Abia a ajuns la mine, asa ca am reusit sa ii fac doar cateva poze preliminare. E o papusica superba, acest costum e din punctul meu de vedere, cel mai frumos si complex din toate seria . In plus e plina de bijuterii traditionale. Imi aminteste de printesele indine din filme, voua nu?
Those are real photos with my Barbie in India - Rajastan. She's my second indian Barbie.
I love this original Indian costume with all those gorgeous traditional jewelery! It's my favorite among all Barbie made in India. What's yours?
My sister recently visited her boyfriend's family in India and brought back a beautiful Indian barbie. I deboxed her, of course, and I don't remember which name she is, but she is wearing a purple-ish dress that is gorgeous. I also have the Diwali Barbie (made for the american consumer) that I bought nude at a thrift store. I love the face on the Diwali Barbie but the outfit on the Indian barbie.
RăspundețiȘtergerewow, she is incredibly well done! all of these details, those fabrics and jewellery - it's so beautiful and realistic!
RăspundețiȘtergereFelicitari,Wow,chiar arat foarte bine,imbracamintea,accesoriile,foarte frumoasa :)
RăspundețiȘtergereHi Miss_ Lola_77, this is one of my Indian Barbies, I also have Diwali that has Kayla Mold and yes she's gorgeous. I also thought that I loved most a barbie with Kayla mold in those indian original costumes that a superstar mold. I want to try to change the doll using this costume and accessories.
RăspundețiȘtergereHi jewel snake, thank you. That 's the thing I like most at all those Barbies made in India. They are so similar with the real Indian outfit! The Barbies from Mattel DOTW , are not like that, even if they has beautiful Kayla or Steffie mold.
RăspundețiȘtergereI'll see soon my other Indian Barbies for comparison.
Multumesc Bogdan pentru apreciere, abia astept sa termin diorama indiencelor sa le vedeti pe toate, sunt atat de fascinante...
RăspundețiȘtergereI'm lucky to own one Expressions of India Barbies, Wedding Fantasy, she is my biggest doll treasure :) They are so unique and a bit exclusive so I feel super lucky to own one. Your girl is gorgeous! :D
RăspundețiȘtergereSuper Star Barbie in the dark hair is wonderful.
Hi Alrunia, I love Wedding Fantasy, I had to choose between Rajastan and her and in this moment I choose Rajasthani. But in the future I hope I'll have her too.
RăspundețiȘtergereCongratulations for your doll!
Thanks Mark!
RăspundețiȘtergereSuperba. Felicitari pt noua achizitie. Abia astept diorama cu indiencele :p
RăspundețiȘtergereMultumesc, eu vreau pt ele o camera traditionala indiana ...mai am ceva de lucru.
RăspundețiȘtergereHello from Spain: this barbie India is very elegant. The dress is beautiful. I like jewelry that brings. Have an amazing collection of barbies. Keep in touch.
RăspundețiȘtergereThanks Marta, Indian Barbies are really amazing. I hope they have soon a room and make some photos with them.
RăspundețiȘtergereasa dori sa cumpar una de unde se poate comanda si cat costa
RăspundețiȘtergereGasiti pe ebay.