Nu demult Doru a postat un articol despre papusile asiatice Kurhn. Se pare ca lumea soarelui rasare face concurenta la greu occidentului cu propriile linii de papusi fashion.
Cele pe care vi le voi prezenta azi se numesc foarte asiatic Yue Say Wa Wa (cam complicat pentru noi ;) )
Pe scurt, mi-au placut la papusile Yuesay costumele si machiajele, majoritatea de inspiratie chinezeasca, coerana etc, dar si cateva europene , inclusiv unele pentru Craciun.
Delectati-va aici cu cat mai mult poze :
Asian fashion dolls Yue Say Wa Wa are, like Kurhn dolls, a very interesting variation from the ordinary american dolls.
I like their beautiful costumes, most of them from Asia (Corea, Japan , China) but some of them occidental like the Christmas costumes.
I also think that the make- up of those dolls are very nice and appropriate.
Much more photos here:
Foarte frumoase! Nu stiam de ele.
RăspundețiȘtergereSi eu am aflat abia ieri :)
RăspundețiȘtergereNu stiam de ele. Foarte marfa mi se par. Aparent Barbie incepe sa tot piarda teritoriu in Asia
RăspundețiȘtergereBarbie nu e genul lor, astea sunt mai pe stilul asiatic. Cred ca deaia au si asa succes acolo. In plus si noua ne plac.
ȘtergereHello from Spain: Poppy dressed in 70's fashion is beautiful. The clothes and accessories are beautiful. It is unfortunate that a doll is so expensive. I like them all. Keep in touch.
RăspundețiȘtergereMarta- I love Poppy too, I have 4 from other collections but they are very expensive as you say, so I only can buy the clothes at least from those ones.
RăspundețiȘtergereIt's the first time I've actually seen this dolls. I didn't have the slightest idea that they existed. Thank you for sharing the knowledge! I think that doll collectors from my country don't know much about them either. I hope that you won't be angry with me - as I shared a link to your note at the Polish doll forum.