AvantGuard On Edge is a 2010 edition by Integrity dolls. It's a 16" ( 16 inch ) doll, fully articulated. She has the original dress, shoes, gloves(never used) , wig, nacklace and only one earring. She's coming with second pears of hand and foot.
The doll has the original box and stand.
My price is 160 euro+ shipping .
From a smoke free house.
Please ask any question!
Nu imi vine sa cred ca vrei sa o vinzi,este superba,este din cauza inaltimii?
RăspundețiȘtergereDa exact, nu am putut niciodata sa o integrez in colectia mea, iar hainele perucile si accesoriile pe marimea ei sunt foarte scumpe, deci a ramas cam singurica ;)