Dupa ce au descoperit-o recent pe prietena lui Barbie cu aerul ei vintage si cu hainele ei retro(rochita verde am comandat-o recent de pe ebay e vorba de o creatie originala Mattel din 1962) , nu ma mai pot dezlipi de ea.:) Am reusit sa achizitionez una blonda si una bruneta si astept o roscata care va trebui la randul ei aranjata, pentru ca nu este in cea mai buna stare.Urmatorul pas va fi achizitionarea tuturor prietenelor lui Barbie din perioada vintage, anii '60-'70, as prefera vechi, dar in unele cazuri imi plac si reproducerile. Andra mi-a pus la indemana cateva exemplare superbe, in cutii cu hainute , la care ma gandesc mult in ultima vreme.
I just discovered Barbie's friend Midge, and I'm definitely in love with her! I already bought a blond and brunette one, and I expect may redhead from ebay. My plans for the future include all vintage Barbie friends, original or some repros ( My friend Andra has some gorgeous one).
Midge "Barbie's best friend", cea mai buna prietena a lui Barbie, a aparut in anul 1963. Chipul ei de atunci nu era foarte reusit. Ca si caracteristica de baza Midge are de cele mai multe ori pistrui si e in general roscata. In '63 s-au editat insa papusi cu 3 culori de par, blond, brunet , roscat, iar mai tarziu s-au mai intalnit si alte variante de Midge cu parul de alte culori. Exemplarele din colectia mea reflecta cele 3 varste si aspecte ale papusii, cel din prima generatie a anuilor '60, cel din anii '80 si cel de azi. E draguta nu? Pentru care chip ati vota 1,2 sau3?
Midge Barbie's best friend appared in 1963. Her face chaged trought time, but some points still reamins: the red hair(almost every Midge is redhead, but they are also blonde and brunette sometimes) and the freckle. The tree Midge you see here are some of may collection, the first Midge from 1963-1966, the 80's doll and the 2000's doll. Vote for you favorite Midge 1,2 or 3!
Prima Miss Astronaut a fost realizata in seria Cool Carier in 1965 alaturi de o sora medicala si o profesoara. In 2010 Mattel a reeditat multe din aceste papusi extraordinare.
Tema scenei este:Astronauta gaseste o lume extraterestra si urmele unei civilizatii stravechi.
Pentru realizarea ei am creat un tablou spary paint si un peisaj din lut vopsit.
Papusile Liv sunt din ce in ce mai cunoscute si mai apreciate la noi. Cititi si restul articolelor cu eticheta "Liv dolls", pentru a afla ultimele noutati !
Aceste papusi lansate de Spin Master Ltd sunt o linie de papusi adolecsente, foarte actuale fiecare cu povestea ei. in momentul de fata exista patru modele Sophie, Katie, Alexis si Daniela. Fiecare papusa are 2 peruci, un catel cu lesa, un set de haine si accesorii in plus si un cod special cu cate te poti abona pe LivWorld.com.http://www.livworld.com2 Papusa se poate gasi online pe situl LivWorld.com website. Papusa a fost creata ca o oponenta pentru Bratz si Barbie, incercandu-se realizare unui corp cat mai articulat si realistic. Cela patru prietene sunt liceene, viata lor este ca a oricarui adolescent plina de stralucire si imperfectiuni.
Va plac aceste fete? Eu cred ca au ochi extraordinari!
Liv Dolls are a line of teen fashion dolls launched by Spin Master, Ltd., who also created Bakugan Battle Brawlers and the Air Hog Havoc Heli. The dolls are made to be teenagers, and more up to date and realistic than Barbie. These dolls are much more posable than other similar dolls, such as Barbie. http://www.livworld.com
There are only four dolls at this time... Sophie, Katie, Alexis, and Daniela. Each doll comes with two wigs, a puppy with leash, a new outfit and accessories and a membership code for each doll opens up her world on LivWorld.com.http://www.livworld.com Liv Dolls are available in a number of stores including Walmart and Target, as well as online through the LivWorld.com website.
Liv Dolls were created as anti Bratz and Barbie, intending to be as realistic as possible with real life flaws and imperfections. Liv Dolls are four friends from an imaginary high school with real back stories.
LivWorld.com is the online home of the Liv Dolls. Each doll has her own world, and there are "webisodes" which are drama episodes on the site which tell a story, such as Sophie cutting off Daniela's hair, or a pet going missing. There are also videos and games available on the site.http://www.livworld.com
In order to register on the site, a Liv Doll must first be purchased. Inside the package is a special code that is entered on the site during registration. Parents are sent an email at the time of registration, and when they confirm the account it is activated.http://www.livworld.com
Nu va vine sa credeti ce superbe pot fi hainele Fashion Royalty! Am comandat recent pe ebay acest paltonas "Vanessa in Bloom" si sacoul violet "Festive Decadence Agnes von Weiss" . Sacoul cerea o completare, si cum nu am castigat rochita pe ebay, m-am decis sa ii fac o fusta in acelasi gen. Va place ?
Bijuteriile papusilor sunt create de mine, iar pantofii sunt Poppy Parker. Un amgalgam elegent si superb as zice, voi ce parere aveti? Manechine : Veronique Perrin si Dania Zarr.
This gorgeous clothes I win on ebay last week. They are "Vanessa in Bloom" coat and "Festive Decadence Agnes von Weiss" jacket. The shoes are Poppy Parker. I had to create also a skirt for this jacket, so I relaise one inspired from the original ensemble Festive Decadence. Do you like it?
Jewellery made by me. Models: Dania Zarr , Varonique Perrin