Cum zapada este din abundenta anul acesta am pus-o de-o bataie cu zapada! Pentru acesta diorama am folosit papusile M&C Toy, pe Midge in costum Barbie Benetton, Midge Winter sports, despre negresa nu va pot spune nimic decat ca este din anii '90 si Ken Winter Sports (era si cazul sa apara si un Ken in diorame :).
Ghici unde sunt facute pozele?
Because we have a lot of snow this year I done this second diorama outdoor.
I used M&C Toy dolls with ski equipment
Midge in Benetton outfit
Midge Winter sports
AA Barbie from 90's
Ken Winter Sports
Guess where were made the pics?
Hello from Spain: I see in your wonderful photos that you have a lot of snow accessories. The sled, skis, goggles and warm clothing is ideal. I love how you were the photos. The dolls look like real people. Keep in touch
RăspundețiȘtergereThis season it's perfect for those accessories! I love the winter dolls a lot, and I'm glad I could make all those pics in real snow.
RăspundețiȘtergereFoarte tare cea in care Ken o freaca pe Barbie cu zapada. :))