Bine v-am regasit cu o noua colectie de vara "Holiday"! Stiu ca de cam mult timp nu am mai adus nimic nou in peisajul creatiilor fashion, insa aceasta colectie , inspirata de vacanta , va contine toalete postrivite unui voiaj sofisticat.
Prima tinuta numita "Morning" este un set de lenjerie cu halat , din dantela si matase, plus o pereche de saboti custom. Ca accesoriu tinuta are si o perna din matase.
Va place?
My new collection "Holiday", inspired by the summer days begins with this lingerie. The set is called "Morning" , and is the first one from the travel collection.
Hello from Spain: stunning collection. Very pretty and elegant. It is also a very sexy clothes .. Keep in touch
RăspundețiȘtergereThanks my dear.